Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ramen Chicken Burgers

Ramen Chicken Burgers with Ketchup and Sriracha Sauce

The first ramen burger I made was more then I expected it to be, so I made a different variation using chicken instead of beef. As I predicted, the chicken turned out better then the original ramen burger I made. Maybe it was the incorporation of the seasonings and toppings I've added to my ground meat or noodles and chicken just works so well together. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm sticking aside with this recipe and play around with the ingredients till I get the taste that will make a cripple start walking again.

Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Cook Ramen Burger

If Someone asked me to paint a picture of either a tree or a river, I'd probably grab an oil pastel and paint the rainforest. They are both part of the life stream and I'd hate to choose just one because I wouldn't be able to express the full image I've captured. So now, that painting of the rainforest can now be accomplished all thanks to the idea of a Ramen Burger.

I'm a believer that the Ramen Burger will be a big hit in the food industry especially for those food junkies that want to get in on the new stuffs first. Just like the Cronut(s), the Steamed Bao(s), the Priest Burger(s), this new addition will have no problem finding it's way mainstream. I'm happy I was able to record the process of making a Ramen Burger to show how simple it takes to make one.